Power of the Past: My Story as a Leadership Educator

Wednesday January 9, 2013

INTEGRAL LEADERSHIP REVIEW - Particles magazine - Published with permission  

I grew up and was educated in Rome, Italy. Here are a few flashbacks about my life as a learner in the Italian school system:

■ Elementary School, 1972: Maestra Arena would consider any question from the class as a personal insult and refuse to answer.
■ 12th grade, 1977: Signor Pumo would simply not acknowledge our presence in the class as we walked in and would make fun of the students with low grades.
■ High School, 1986: Signora Bondi would lecture for hours, then she would draw a name from a little box, bingo-like, to select the student that would have to parrot back what she had said.

Alas! The Italian didactic style – being more theoretical and less interactive than that of the U.S. system – conditioned my thinking about teaching and learning at an early age. These experiences provided a powerful paradoxical teaching experience that has guided my life as a leadership educator across the Atlantic. (link: clik here)

Adriano Pianesi | ParticipAction Consulting, Inc.


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